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Part 5: The Origins of the World and Life

This part is in two sections. The first (5.1) concerns your beliefs about the origin of the world (i.e. the whole universe) and the second section (5.2) concerns your beliefs about the origin of life, including human life.

5.1: The origin of the universe

How did the world begin?

As with Part 4, spend as much time as you need thinking about your beliefs on this matter. Allow your mind to come up with possible answers that make sense to you. You don't have to spend just one session on this: your thoughts may return to the subject in those idle moments in the day when you are not thinking of anything in particular; you may be surprised by what comes up at such times. Jot down some notes if it helps.

It will make sense if your beliefs are consistent with your belief about the world expressed in Part 4.

It may be that you don't have any particular beliefs about these matters and they don't play a part in your personal philosophy. This is absolutely OK and you can make this clear when you write this up.

When you've done enough free-thinking on this, before recording anything of your own, you may find it helpful to have a look at some beliefs and ideas that people may express on these matters. These are listed below. Or you may wish to do this entirely by yourself. It may also help you to refer back to the 'Hints' given in Part 2: Preparing the Way.

Some commonly-held beliefs about the origins of the world

Some possible beliefs are given below, but they are only suggestions to help you. You are not being asked to choose any of them and your beliefs might not appear here. However, if you do find that one of them describes your own beliefs, please feel free to put it in your own words.

You don't have to write very much about this unless you want to expand on your beliefs (you can do this later): a short statement may be all you need at this stage.

If your beliefs include the existence of a God, Creator or Designer, you will also probably want to say more about their nature, but at this point you do not need to go into details - this comes later.

When you are ready, go to your 'My Personal Philosophy' record and begin writing up your beliefs under the heading 'What I believe about the origin of the world and life'.

Once you have written as much as you wish, and when you are ready to resume, proceed to section 5.2 below concerning your beliefs about the origin of life.

5.2 The origin of life

How did life, including human beings, come about?

As before it may be that you don't have any particular beliefs about these matters and they don't play a part in your personal philosophy. This is absolutely OK and you can make this clear when you write this up.

When you've done enough free-thinking on this, before recording anything of your own, you may find it helpful to have a look at some beliefs and ideas that people may express on these matters. These are listed below. Or you may wish to do this entirely by yourself.

Some commonly-held beliefs about the origins of life

Some possible beliefs are given below, but they are only suggestions to help you. You are not being asked to choose any of them and your beliefs might not appear here. However, if you do find that one of them describes your own beliefs, please feel free to put it in your own words.

When you are ready, go to your 'My Personal Philosophy' record and begin writing up your beliefs about the origins of life under the heading 'What I believe about the origin of the world and life'. You don't have to write very much about this unless you want to expand on your beliefs (you can do this later): a short statement may be all you need at this stage.

When you have written as much as you wish, and when you are ready to resume, return to 'Part 3: Setting Off' and choose your next part.

Return to Part 1: What it's all about